When I was a child, and when my son was a child we had fun PRETENDING! We celebrated Halloween by carving pumpkins, acquiring the most candy we could, and indulging in home-made chili, popcorn balls, caramel apples, apple cider, and dry ice experiments. We did a variety of crafts and enjoyed the togetherness time. We celebrated Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and St Patrick's Irish legends. We had FUN year round. Last year I hosted this party to indulge in the ART of FUN again. If you HATE Halloween, you may just wish to skip to the bottom and read the ending. It is my hope that you'll have fun viewing the whimsey I tried to create here.
I could be wrong, but I think creative people are made by experiencing the joys of active experiences of "pretend" as a child. When we celebrated Halloween, we never ever concentrated on demon worship and the like. We concentrated on the SWEETS! This party was a fun treat in the ritual of PRETEND.
These items were picked up in a variety of my favorite stores. |
It's such fun to be creative with the Halloween items that can be found. |
I am particularly fond of the things that add an element of whimsey to a party.
Many items were found at Michael's and Home Goods.
These fun, and actually delicious, wines were purchased at World Market.
This table is ready to set the Martha Stewart Bat Chips and a fun mix of appetizers and beverages. I love how the skeleton hand was battery operated and came down on the person who reached for a chip! The guys especially like that one. |
These darling wine bottle covers added a particularly spooky appearance to the table. Beneath the Count Dracula cover was a bottle of Vampire wine, found at World Market. |
The ghosts and sign attached to the chandelier were purchased at Michael's. |
Halloween celebrations aren't for everyone!
I loved the many creative concoctions we conjured up as children
We MOSTLY loved the CANDY!!
Some people consider Halloween to be an EVIL HOLIDAY.
I just like to reminisce of happier childhood days and all the fun we had pretending and seeking to have some fun with that which is CREATIVE, WHIMSICAL, and very DELICIOUS!
The friends I had over for this party had a lot of FUN,
and that's what I am seeking when I have a party.
I don't give the demonic aspect respect,
although I know there are evil spirits out there that do!
Thought provoking picture
(Flicker Picture)
Now that I am no longer a child and am a Christian I know:
JESUS doesn't really wrestle with the devil! PEOPLE wrestle with the devil.
JESUS has overcome the EVIL one and his followers, ONCE for ALL!
The VICTORY is already WON!
Whatever you do this HALLOWEEN or ALL HALLOWS EVE, have FUN,
and take some time to contemplate the ONE who is victorious over death.
Believers have a DELIGHTFUL future waiting in HEAVEN, with JESUS.