
The Seven "Ps" of Party Planning,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/




Greetings friends! 

Thank you for subscribing to my blog.  I am hoping that this can be a place where not only I share, but you participate too. I love hearing about your dining adventures as well as sharing mine.

This week I am going to share the Seven P’s of Party Planning that I incorporate into every party or dining event I host. I will elaborate on each one in the weeks to come. I invite you to join in as we ponder ways to make events delightful for others.

The Seven P’s are:

Pray-Plan-Prepare-Present-Perform-Post Party-Pleasantly Ponder



First, with any party or event, I take the time to sit with the Lord and I ask him to help me make it an event that will make each guest feel comfortable and special. I ask God to give me creative ways to incorporate this into my planned event. I ask Him to give me eyes to see things I might not see, or ideas I might not think of but are needed. I ask for direction or a theme and find that in quick timing He provides me with a place to begin, whether it is a person who needs special care, a table design that will creatively challenge me, or a menu that might bring much pleasure, among many other things.

On my nest post, I will begin the process of planning a party. That is quite a lengthy list, but an important and essential one. If you feel like doing so, I’d love to hear what you think about hosting or attending parties in general. What are your favorite aspects of parties?

Until next week remember: Whatever You Do, Make It Delightful!

Do You Have The Gift of Hospitality?

Hospitality is a Gift




 Hospitality: The quality or disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, and generous way. 

To me hospitality is a way of blessing others by making them feel special, loved and valued. I am not scholarly, nor do I possess the wisdom of judges and doctors, but I do know how to love others. I desire that I keep this quote in mind whenever I have someone into my home:  “Entertaining seeks to impress, hospitality seeks to bless.” Jen Wilken.

Planning a meal for friends and family can be extremely fun, satisfying and is a way to extend hospitality to the significant people in your life.  These days, when so many people choose to have group events at a restaurant, it is a welcome change to be invited into someone’s home to enjoy a dining experience with friends, family, and old and new acquaintances. 

A more personal alternative to meeting in a restaurant is hosting the event in your home.  If you are anything like I am, I love having people in my home.   The walls in my home echo the special times that have occurred over brunches, lunches, teas, dinners and other parties.  I derive great pleasure in making someone feel like they are special people to me.

The most important factors are that you desire and prepare for everyone to enjoy the experience of dining in your home and plan for them to feel like they are significant people in your life.   To that end, I have learned that planning events for the special people in my life includes six basic elements.  I call them the “Seven “Ps” of Hosting a Party”.  I invite you to come read along as I demonstrate how I plan and carry out dining events in my home.

Do you feel comfortable having people in your home?   Do you get excited or a bit stressed at the thought? Stick with me and you will be hosting parties that delight you and your guests!